Wheel dampers
Wheel and bridge dampers are supplied in collaboration with Schrey & Veit.
Resilient wheels
Travelling comfort for the passenger, the resident/inhabitant, the carriage and the track. It has been proven by carrying out field measurements and through positive customer evaluations, …. that the GHH resilient wheels provide a very efficient reduction of shocks and vibrations. With their low radial stiffness, for instance the SAB Resilient Wheel can replace a primary suspension or be adapted for specific bogie designs, e.g. direct motor drives.
Key benefits of GHH wheels are:
Tailor-made solutions, because each project is unique. Specifics like: small diameter, a high wheel load, thermal impact from block brakes are adapted to each project.
Maintainability, because service costs must be minimal
One common feature for all our wheels: a split design. Three main parts: a wheel tyre, a wheel body and a wedge ring. In between, some pre-stressed rubber elements: rubber pads, or, alternatively, one rubber ring or two rubber rings. Result: a very easy replacement of tyres and rubber elements, with only conventional tools.